April 16, 2011

The Blessing of Easter

As we journey together into this Easter week, may you and your families be embraced by the sweet flow of God's grace woven into the message of hope found in Scripture, lived by Christ Himself, and shared with all of us.
I am thankful and humbled that Jesus chose the cross for each one of us. It's all about His love for you, for me, for each man, woman and child that He came, suffered and died. And glory revealed - He rose again. Our part in the Easter story is not complete by simply receiving His love and forgiveness and keeping it nestled it in our own heart but to share the overflow of the good news with all willing to hear it so they may also - prayerfully - accept our Lord as their Savior. 

 The love of Jesus didn't end at the cross or when He rose again. When Jesus looked down from the cross, He handed His mother, Mary, over to the care of John. This was symbolic that He was passing over the love and care of each one of us, as His beloved family, His children, His Church, to one another. He taught us how to love through His every step to the cross, through His every heartbeat and tear shed while He carried the cross and through every labored breath He took while upon the cross. He taught us mercy. He taught us how to forgive. Love was and is His greatest teaching of all. It is my prayer that we all carry His teachings into this world, into our communities, into our homes, that we keep it alive in our own hearts and live in the embrace of peace and unity with Him and with one another He so desired for us to live in. God loves you with abundant measures beyond words. As your sister through the blood of Christ, I also love you dearly.

Blessings upon you dear one, and glory to God!



  1. Hi Bonny. This is the first year that I have wanted to be absorbed by easter. Normally, I acknowledge and accept all the Lord has done for me on the cross and enjoy the long weekend. This is the first time where I want to let God know I get it and I am in awe of what He has done for me and everyone else. Your post is great and is helping me to focus on easter for all the right reasons. God bless. TKT

  2. Beautiful post, Bonny. Thanks for the reminder to keep seeking Him and sharing His love with everyone who comes into our lives. Happy iFellowship! :o)

  3. Thank you. Blessings upon you this day and every day!
