April 20, 2014

Author shares her own story of healing, growth and transformation

"ALL glory to God! Thank you, Jesus for being my light and my life in this day and every day. Below is the link to the article about my book in my local newspaper -- Standard Speaker. I would have no hope, no voice, no encouragement to share, and no song in my heart if not for Jesus." ~ Bonny.

April 5, 2014

Standing Ready

Last night I had an open door to step up to an upcoming opportunity to share my testimony, but I missed it. On my way home -- I felt in my spirit God was asking me: "Why didn't you take it?" I responded: "I wanted others to have that opportunity." 

He reminded me that I am in a season of new beginnings. He has blessed me with a new voice, incredible joy, and a deep-seeded passion to share the message of His love and saving Grace. He has been unfolding opportunities for me to share His love in the most creative ways, something I've been praying for - for some time now. And He has been answering my prayer - every day. So why didn't I recognize last night as part of this? 

Time to learn about humility. Humility has its time and place to run solo, but when God opens a door, I need to walk through it... this is obedience. And also knowing God desires to bless me and others through the doors He opens for me specifically glorifies Him when I receive it! I am thankful God shared with me what He did. His love for me in this not only embraces me -- it grows and matures me even deeper. I am ready to go forward again, and my joy in the Lord is yet rising. I am ready to speak His love forward, one open door at a time.

Dear one, when God blesses you, receive His favor and His embrace... the door is opening. Are you ready?

Blessings in abundance, dear one!
