The Journey Begins!

This journey through life is filled with incredible and amazing blessings waiting to happen, yet sometimes we are challenged by obstacles, stagnant daily routine, illness, financial stress, relationship issues, and often times, ourselves… But the good news is we don’t need to be stuck in anything that keeps us from experiencing the fullness of living and grabbing onto the life we are meant to live, beginning now.

How do we become unstuck and how can we possibly change our lives to be free from anything that hinders our growth, our joy, our successes, our hopes, our dreams? If you are ready to explore your options, I am ready to journey with you!

Let’s begin at the very core of why many fall short of living their potential: Value and Self-worth. How is your relationship with yourself? When you look in the mirror – who do you see? Do you see yourself as someone who is loved, someone who is precious, someone who is valuable? Or do you have negative thoughts about yourself? Are you critical and judgmental of who you are? 

Dear one! You are a beautiful masterpiece! You are God’s very own creation! Psalm 139:13-14 says: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” How awesome is that? While no one is perfect, we - you, me, everyone is perfectly created!

When we begin to believe continual feed of negative words of others about who we are, our thinking may very well be impacted for life unless our heart is determined to change what it believes and how it responds. Truth is the ultimate destination where our thinking needs to be, not stuck in believing lies!

God loves you as you are. He has a plan, a purpose designed specifically for your life. With you and your purpose together, what an amazing fit for a world in desperate need of precious, valuable hearts such as yours to be part of the promise of hope. You are part of an incredible future, and an incredible future is on its way to you – if you choose to take the steps to make that happen. I encourage you to allow your heart to see you through God’s eyes and what I know to be true. You are loved. You are cherished. Just for being you. Nothing you do earns God’s love. No title or degree gives you value or worth. Your value comes simply because God loves you, and He does unconditionally and more than any words can express!

The words of Dr Suess: Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”  You, dear one, are an amazing and precious blessing. I am thankful for YOU!