January 1, 2015

New Direction for Growing in Grace

Dear Reader:

I realize I haven't been as faithful to this blog over the course of these past two years especially, and I apologize!  But I have been very active in Facebook posting, encouraging, and following as I felt led.

With this new year upon me, I am taking a new direction - seeking out what Grace truly means. I am sharing here what I shared on Facebook ... And yes, as you will see below, I will be dismantling this website. I will leave it up for a short while so that my readers will have the opportunity to read this post and to know why it will be removed. God willing, I will start fresh with a new blog in the near future or whatever He knows will best fulfill His plan for my purpose ... Your prayers are appreciated as I step into this journey He is calling me on!

Without further hesitation - here is my post:

"I am taking on a new journey this year: every day I will be posting on what I am learning about Grace and how God is revealing Himself through His Grace to me - even if it's a few sentences. 

I know now what Grace is - but I believe I only understand what it means just below the surface. I want to go deeper into truly grasping it! 

Yes, there is no end point in this to say I "have arrived" in total understanding, but I am trusting that through this journey this year, I will grow in Grace, and Grace will unfold more layers of what it means for me in the depth of who God created me to be.

Initially, I was laying out some mental plans how I will go about doing this. Do I post this just on my wall? In notes? On my website? Create a new blog? God spoke to my heart: make it simple, stop planning, don't overthink or analyze everything or think everything has a symbolic meaning, and start listening... share about what He reveals instead of coordinating what He reveals! Just share! He will prompt me from there how it will unfold!

Already I know two things for today:

1 - In addition to posting daily, I will journal this in a note for easy access to share my year long journey and as a window for me to see His Grace unfold as I live it through!

2 - I am to dismantle my website. Ouch! But I am receptive to that. God knows the reasoning behind it. I trust His plan is perfect!

So, here's my first entry - day one. "A Daughter's Journey: Growing in Grace"

It is a new day, a new day and a new year.. My daughters, home from college, are anticipating their first meal of the day. They just got up out of bed -- woke up late because they stayed up late. We all did. We celebrated the midnight step-over together. It was time well spent to enter into this new year - with family!

I have so much I could write this first day, but then it will be overstepping what God plans for me in this. And my daughters are wondering whether breakfast will turn to dinner because of the novel I am writing.

What does this teach me about Grace? I could easily answer that but it would go on for paragraphs. That's the teacher in me. Maybe I'm to step into this slow and simple and not get into long explanations.... Grace will be with me even without a pen on hand or a keyboard in front of me. My daughters are waiting...

So with that - so ends my first post."

You may follow me on my Facebook page if you choose to keep updated on my journey!

Happy New Year, dear one!

God loves you!!!


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